
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44944

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs I G Simpson

Representation Summary:

We feel like many other that village life should not be compromised by this project. It will corrupt village like by crime acceleration and other things such as excessive traffic speeding motorists who even now flout the 30mph speed limit through the village.

The habitat for wildlife will also be badly threatened. Having seen roe deer on the Offchurch Road at night it begs the question 'why on greenbelt land?' when there are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used.

Who will pay for the extra policing of such a large area?

Full text:

Having recently moved into Cubbington, my husband and I strongly object to the proposed building of over 2000 homes on Glebe Farm, Cubbington.

We feel like many other that village life should not be compromised by this project. It will corrupt village like by crime acceleration and other things such as excessive traffic speeding motorists who even now flout the 30mph speed limit through the village.

The habitat for wildlife will also be badly threatened. Having seen roe deer on the Offchurch Road at night it begs the question 'why on greenbelt land?' when there are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used, for example the land that used to be Peugeot Factory site.

Who will pay for the extra policing of such a large area (through the council tax going up again) making it difficult for the young and elderly to cope with ever rising costs.

Our hospital cover such an extra influence of care. Our doctors are over worked now.

All in all the objections raised we believe are valid and strongly oppose this project.