
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44940

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Ian Hadlet

Representation Summary:

Since the 2007 flooding, no remedial work has taken place. Extra dwellings will greatly add to the situation; possibly stopping residents from obtaining the appropriate flood insurance. In addition, the clay soil does not allow water to soak through, thus the fields around here do not take too much rain before water is cascading off them.

Travelling in Cubbington during rush hour is already a time consuming journey. Additional dwellings will only exacerbate this. We also lack the infrastructure that such a development would demand. Most of the employment opportunities are situated to the South.

Full text:

I object to this proposed development on Glebe Farm for several reasons.

Firstly, since the terrible flooding in 2007, no remedial work by either Severn Trent or the County Council has taken place. The possibility of an extra 2-3000 dwellings will only greatly add to the situation; possibly stopping residents from obtaining the appropriate flood insurance. In addition, the soil here is extremely heavy clay, which by definition does not allow water to soak into the lower levels of soil, thus the fields around here do not take too much rain before water is cascading off them.

My second objection is about the traffic chaos and lack of infrastructure. Travelling from Cubbington to Leamington during rush hour is already an extremely busy and time consuming journey. Adding several thousand more dwellings will only exacerbate the traffic problems around Cubbington. We also lack the infrastructure that such a development would demand i.e. schools, leisure facilities etc... Additionally most of the employment opportunities are situated on the South side of Leamington and thus it would make much more sense to develop opportunities in that area.