
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44937

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Geoffrey Paginton

Representation Summary:

1. Combining Lillington and Cubbington will have a huge detrimental affect t on North Leamington as a whole.
a. Proven social issues that come with large estates
b. Loss of rural community and greenbelt land
2. Traffic congestion on local roads. With potential additional 4000 cars, the infrastructure will not cope.
3. Clay topsoil causes accelerated flow of water into Cubbington. Building will exacerbate the potential for flooding.
4. Infrastructure: In North Leamington the services are already at capacity.
5. Environmental: Loss of habitat of wildlife including protected species. Light pollution from the huge development.
6. Loss of recreational land in continuous use for hundreds of years.
7. Destroying communities for government strategy.

Full text:

1. Creation of a massive estate combining Lillington and Cubbington will have a huge detrimental affect not only on those communities but on North Leamington as a whole.
a. Proven social issues, behavioural, community wellbeing and quality of life come with large estates
b. Loss of rural community and greenbelt land used by many of the community for walking and recreation
2. Traffic congestion on the Rugby Road, Cubbington Road to Lillington Road island and down to 'Pinch Point' Campion Road, Clarendon Street Traffic lights. With potential additional 4000 cars, access via Cubbington (Windmill Hill), Park Road into Lillington to access town centre, South Leamington commercial areas. The infrastructure will not cope. Cross town congestion. School runs.
3. Proven flood risk. Clay topsoil causes accelerated flow of water into Cubbington and potential building area. Building will exacerbate the potential for flooding, not only in Cubbington but back along the River Leam basin.
4. Infrastructure: In North Leamington the doctors, schools and local roads are already at capacity.
5. Environmental: Loss of habitat of wildlife including protected species such as crested newts, badgers, birds of prey, buzzards, harrier kestrels. Light pollution from the huge development.
6. Loss of recreational land in continuous use for hundreds of years (Carbon Miles?)
7. No viable reason for building on this land. Destroying communities for government strategy.