
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44950

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: F W Jackson

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington has been a separate village, individual and discrete for over a thousand years. It will be a crime to link it to Lillington/ Leamington
2. The site has many old and well trodden footpaths all of which would be lost
3. The large are of tarmac and concrete which would inevitably follow exploitation of this site will exacerbate the already known flooding problems in Cubbington
4. The thousands of additional cars will add to the present road traffic problems
5. The sewerage network is already insufficient for the old village. More housing will make it worse.
6. We would lose precious farmland

Full text:

1. Cubbington has been a separate village, individual and discrete for over a thousand years. It will be a crime to link it to Lillington/ Leamington
2. The site has many old and well trodden footpaths all of which would be lost
3. The large are of tarmac and concrete which would inevitably follow exploitation of this site will exacerbate the already known flooding problems in Cubbington
4. The thousands of additional cars will add to the present road traffic problems
5. The sewerage network is already insufficient for the old village. More housing will make it worse.
6. We would lose precious farmland