
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44585

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr A Baker

Representation Summary:

The communities of Cubbington and lillington are, at the moment, very distinct and we would like it to remain that way.
In impact on village life would cause the "village" to collapse with the weight of new people and the "joining" of Cubbington with Lillington communities.
The road network is already full to capacity particularly at the roundabout intersection of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road.

Full text:

We do not want the area diluted with undesired people that this size of development will attract and undoubtedly encourage through Council accommodation.
The communities of Cubbington and lillington are, at the moment, very distinct and we would like it to remain that way.
In impact on village life would cause the "village" to collapse with the weight of new people and the "joining" of Cubbington with Lillington communities.
How the road structure will cope with thye proposed number of cars that will be added is unknown, but unless infrastructure is radically altered I cannot see how it can support the new numbers. the single file bridge at Offchurch is struggling to capacity already. The intersection roundabout of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road is already full to capacity every morning.