
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44560

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Robert Adams

Representation Summary:

If development goes ahead it will turn Cubbington into a suburb of Leamington Spa. This ancient village (dating from Saxon times) would be gone forever. This development would cause massive disruption to our daily lives not least of which would be traffic congestion on Offchurch Road at peak times. We are also concerned that the clay soil, already prone to flooding, would add to our existing problems with flood water.

Full text:

If development goes ahead it will turn Cubbington into a suburb of Leamington Spa. This ancient village (dating from Saxon times) would be gone forever. This development would cause massive disruption to our daily lives not least of which would be traffic congestion on Offchurch Road at peak times. We are also concerned that the clay soil, already prone to flooding, would add to our existing problems with flood water.