
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44545

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr Brian Hartshorne

Representation Summary:

Development would cause problems in all the areas mentioned in this survey.
The field where we live floods every time we have heavy rain because of the heavy clay soil causing the water not to drain away.
We have wild life in the field. Foxes den, badger setts.
Would not want a road through the cul-de-sac from Parklands Avenue.
This heavy soil is ideal for wheat, corn crops.
The roads would not take extra traffic with many cross roads causing a problem for schools. Peak times would be unbelievable.
Need to keep Cubbington and Lillington separate villages.

Full text:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. This must not go ahead because it would affect everything and everybody in this area causing problems in all the areas mentioned in this survey.
The field where we live floods every time we have heavy rain because of the heavy clay soil causing the water not to drain away through the clay. We have wild life in the field. Foxes den, badger setts. Foxes den in the middle of the field. Living in a cul-de-sac we would not want a road through the cul-de-sac from Parklands Avenue. This green space where we live has been green space as long as I can remember, living here in the same house for 46 years from new.
This heavy soil here is ideal for wheat, corn crops which crops heavy crops.
Such a large scale development would be chaos for this area. The roads around this area would not take the extra traffic with many cross roads around this area causing a problem for all the schools around here. Peak times would be unbelievable on all the roads in and out of this area. We now have to put up with Tesco which have just moved into the old Walnut Tree pub causing more traffic in this area. We need to keep Cubbington and Lillington as separate villages.
I strongly object to any development at Glebe Farm