
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44575

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mary Winter

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a village community and we want to stay in a small village.
The village is prone to flooding and houses on Glebe Farm would make the situation worse. Badgers are also on site and must be protected. The footpaths across this land are in constant use and enable us all to enjoy fresh air and exercise.
Traffic would block the small local roads which already struggle, with no clear access to a large motorway other than going through Leamington Spa which is far from ideal.

Full text:

Cubbington is a village community. People know eachother and care about eachother and we want to stay in a small village.
The village is prone to flooding and houses on Glebe Farm would make the situation worse. Badgers are also on site and must be protected. The footpaths across this land are in constant use and enable us all to enjoy fresh air and exercise which we are told is so important.
Traffic would block the small local roads which already struggle, with no clear access to a large motorway other than going through Leamington Spa which is far from ideal.