
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44559

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: John Alexander Coutts

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington would lose its village identity
2. The feeling of "space" between Lillington & Cubbington would be lost forever. The Green Belt is still important.
3. The local road infrastructure, especially at peak times, could not cope with the extra traffic.
4. Leamington town centre could not cope with the extra traffic.
5. There is only one state senior school in north Leamington, compared with four in central/south Leamington.
6. Wildlife will always be important

Full text:

1. Cubbington would lose its village identity
2. The feeling of "space" between Lillington & Cubbington would be lost forever. The Green Belt is still important.
3. The local road infrastructure, especially at peak times, could not cope with the extra traffic.
4. Leamington town centre could not cope with the extra traffic.
5. There is only one state senior school in north Leamington, compared with four in central/south Leamington.
6. Wildlife will always be important.