
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44544

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Angela Coxon

Representation Summary:

Access to this site would be from small closes off Parklands Avenue. Narrow roads, totally unsuitable and not designed for heavy traffic.
2000 houses would generate a great number of school children. The roads to these schools are already congested at school times and crossing from Parklands Avenue into Telford Avenue is very hazardous The mini-roundabout turning from Cubbington Road into Windmill Hill, has also seen many accidents.
This site has a big flooding problem
To build on this site would be an ecological disaster
The whole concept of using this virtually land-locked site is absolutely ludicrous

Full text:

Access to this site would be from small closes off Parklands Avenue
These are narrow roads, totally unsuitable and not designed for heavy traffic. Therefore if this site should be developed these closes would be used for all the construction possibly for a period of 3 or more years and can no way handle large construction vehicles e.g. cranes, earth movers, bulldozers, concrete mixers etc not counting lorries delivering bricks, timber, tarmac, drainage pipes, roof tiles to name but a few. All these vehicles would have to turn into Parklands Avenue (a residential estate road) at a difficult junction then into narrower close roads of bungalows and private houses - roads which are actually unsuitable for this type and weight of traffic
2000 houses would generate a great number of school children who would have to go to local schools. the roads to these primary schools are already over congested at school times and the crossing from Parklands Avenue into Telford Avenue is very hazardous where there have already been many accidents. It would be absolutely unsafe for even more young children, plus parents/carers often with push chairs to cross here. The mini-roundabout turning from Cubbington Road into Windmill Hill, Cubbington has also seen many accidents over the years. Both these junctions would become even more dangerous.
This site has a big flooding problem
To build on this site would be an ecological disaster - this land provides home for various wildlife - badgers, foxes, hares, field mice, voles, sparrow hawks, owns and many other wild creatures
The whole concept of using this virtually land-locked site is absolutely ludicrous