
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44537

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Maureen & John Green

Representation Summary:

We are definitely against development of housing as being proposed for the Glebe Farm site
The resulting amount of traffic (say average 1.5 cars per property) would mean upwards of 4000 vehicles most of them heading toward Leamington Spa - for shopping, work, schools
Should the proposed amount of housing be developed where would the children be educated? How many new schools are to be built?
If the development goes ahead, then Leamington Spa would extend out to beyond Cubbington village with no greenery to almost Weston under Wetherley
We understand that the 'green belt' was supposed to be 'sacrosanct'!!!!

Full text:

We are definitely against development of housing as being proposed for the Glebe Farm site
The resulting amount of traffic (say average 1.5 cars per property) would mean upwards of 4000 vehicles most of them heading toward Leamington Spa - for shopping, work, schools
Should the proposed amount of housing be developed where would the children be educated? How many new schools are to be built?
If the development goes ahead, then Leamington Spa would extend out to beyond Cubbington village with no greenery to almost Weston under Wetherley
We understand that the 'green belt' was supposed to be 'sacrosanct'!!!!