
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44526

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Alison Kirk

Representation Summary:

The development of the Glebe and Tanners Farms area will decrease the amount of farmland available to soak up rainwater thereby increasing the strain on the drainage and sewer systems and sinificantly increasing the severity and frequency of flooding in Cubbington. If the site is developed there should be an effective flood aleviation scheme and drains and sewers replaced.
Also concerned about loss of farmland and access to the countryside and the pressure which any development would place on the local infrastructure, in particular the roads and schools.

Full text:

Concern about developing land between Cubbington & Lillington bearing in mind the havoc caused by floods in 2007. Although there are apparently plans to address the surface water drainage problems these are progressing at a slow pace.
The development of the Glebe and Tanners Farms area will decrease the amount of farmland available to soak up rainwater thereby increasing the strain on the drainage and sewer systems and sinificantly increasing the severity and frequency of flooding in Cubbington. If the site is developed there should be an effective flood aleviation scheme and drains and sewers replaced.
Also concerned about loss of farmland and access to the countryside and the pressure which any development would place on the local infrastructure, in particular the roads and schools.