
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44514

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Miss A L Jones

Representation Summary:

Site is farmland, producing annual crop. We are losing farmland at dangerous rate. Preference should be given to brownfield and non-green belt.
Fields are associated with footpaths, both public and customary, providing direct access for ramblersetc to countryside with incalculable benefits to health and well-being.
Site is heavy clay, causing repeated flooding
Access to site would be difficult
Provision of traffic lights, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings in the area north of Crown Way is an indication of how the volume of traffic has increased. Infrastructure is wholly inadequate to cope with the imposition of possibly 3000+ vehicles

Full text:

This site is farmland, producing an annual crop. Nationally, we are losing farmland at a dangerous rate and such change should be resisted and preference for the foreseeable future given to developing brownfield and non-green belt designated land
These fields are associated with footpaths, both public and customary. They provide the more direct access for ramblers, dog walkers etc to the further countryside without the need to have a car. It is an almost universal aspiration to 'live in the country' and for most town dwellers, the green belt satisfies that aspiration, with incalculable benefits to health and well-being.
The site is heavy clay, causing repeated flooding to properties in Cubbington, Parklands Avenue etc. This causes long-term distress with no guaranteed remedy.
Access to the site would be difficult and could not be achieved without lengthy and unpleasant effects on all local households from construction vehicles, noise, dust, dirt etc
The provision of traffic lights, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings in the area north of Crown Way is an indication of how the volume of traffic has increased over the last say, twenty years. The infrastructure is wholly inadequate to cope with the imposition of possibly 3000+ vehicles