
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44533

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Susan Jenkins

Representation Summary:

The building of 2000 plus houses would greatly detract from the tranquility of Cheviot Rise. People enjoy looking over the fields to look at the birds and other wildlife. I'm sure there are badger setts here which are a protected species.
The increased traffic using the existing closes off Parklands Avenue would be a nightmare. I'm also concerned that Cheviot Rise could be used as a rabbit run down Valley Road to turn to avoid the Rugby Road. Roads around Parklands Avenue could not sustain such traffic with buses as well.
Cubbington would also lose its idenity as a village

Full text:

The building of 2000 plus houses would greatly detract from the tranquility of Cheviot Rise. People enjoy looking over the fields to look at the birds and other wildlife. I'm sure there are badger setts here as we have seen them in our garden which I understand are a protected species.
The increased traffic, possibly upwards of 1000 cars using the existing closes off Parklands Avenue would be a nightmare. The exit onto the Rugby Road now can take 5 or more minutes in peak times. It would bring the Rugby Road to a standstill. I'm also concerned that if Cheviot Rise were to be used as a rabbit run down Valley Road to turn to avoid the Rugby Road, which I think could be potentially dangerous. The roads around Parklands Avenue could not sustain such traffic with buses as well. I think there would be many more accidents. Cubbington would also lose its idenity as a village and we would all be swallowed up into greater Leamington.