
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44515

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs R Robson

Representation Summary:

Area already too busy with traffic and could not cope with extra cars. What about schools? They would be unable to cope.
With heavy clay the chances of flooding would increase
The view. If we lost that the value of our properties would diminish.

Full text:

This area is already too busy with traffic and could not cope with the suggested extra cars. What about schools? They would be unable to cope with such an influx and the children themselves would be at danger from the extra traffic.
We have been lucky so far in Lillington, but not so for the people in Cubbington, but with the heavy clay the chances of flooding would increase dramatically and so would insurance costs which as OAPs would be dreadful.
Another thing is the view. When we moved here 11 years ago this was a buying and selling point. If we lost that the value of our properties would diminish - added to the amount they already have during the credit crunch. Our one hope, and I'm sure it will happen, is that we will not have long to suffer the present govt and that common sense will reign in the end.