
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44530

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Paul Jenkins

Representation Summary:

Roads are already very busy. If there were more houses in the area the extra traffic (500 to 1000 vehicles in the rush hour) would bring area to standstill
The character of the area would totally change - are area would have the population of a small town
Cheviot Rise is one of the entrance roads into the development. It narrows after the entrance and is barely wide enough for 2 cars side by side. To enable buses etc. the pavements would have to be removed or some of the properties would lose part of their gardens

Full text:

I object to the proposed development at Glebe Farm for the following reasons:
The roads in the area are already very busy. to get to work in Cubbington I have to turn right onto Rugby Road from Parklands Avenue. In the rush hour this can take 5 minutes, even worse on a Tuesday when the refuse lorries are working
If there were more houses in the area the extra traffic (500 to 1000 vehicles in the rush hour) would totally bring the area to a standstill
The character of the area would totally change - are area would have te population of a small town
Cheviot Rise is one of the entrance roads into the development. It narrows after the entrance and is barely wide enough for 2 cars side by side. To enable buses etc. the pavements would have to be removed or some of the properties would lose part of their gardens