
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44523

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Miss L & M Wilkins & Rogers

Representation Summary:

This new build will cause a lot of disruption to the whole area of Cubbington and roads leading to Cubbington Road, plus all minor roads. Possible crime increase. Also cuts in police and fire services should be considered at this time.
To make Cubbington village part of this plan would be unreasonable, it is best to keep it a village in its own right

Full text:

This new build will cause a lot of disruption to the whole area of Cubbington and roads leading to Cubbington Road, plus all minor roads. Possible crime increase. Also cuts in police and fire services should be considered at this time.
To make Cubbington village part of this plan would be unreasonable, it is best to keep it a village in its own right