
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44670

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs C Aston

Representation Summary:

Poor road network to deal with this number of houses
Schools locally cannot cope with the numbers
Potential flood problems.
Established village which cannot cope with number of proposed dwellings
The view from my house would eliminate views of fields etc
The loss to local wildlife, namely badgers and great crested newts
Cubbington will become swallowed into a town - losing all village identity
Will bridleways, public rights of way be built on and if so is this legal
What effect will it have for each household individually - i.e. property values, quality of life etc

Full text:

Poor road network to deal with this number of houses
Schools locally cannot cope with the numbers
Potential flood problems, we have already suffered without adding to the problem
This is an established village which cannot cope with the number of proposed dwellings
The view from my house would eliminate views of fields etc
The loss to local wildlife - what about existing brown sites.
What would happen to all the wildlife in the 52 hectares, namely badgers and great crested newts
Cubbington will in effect become swallowed up and become part of a town - losing all village identity
Will bridleways, public rights of way be built on and if so is this legal
What effect will it have for each household individually - i.e. property values, quality of life etc