
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44674

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Michael J Smith

Representation Summary:

There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size, which just happens to be in a designated green belt area.
Huge investment required to ensure flooding does not occur
Current schools, doctors, shops in the area are insufficient to cope
Currently difficult finding parking space at the existing establishments.
Access to the main roads will create enormous problems particularly at peak times.
How will main road into Leamington cope
Considerable amount of traffic uses Offchurch and Cubbington from the south of Leamington to access the A46, Kenilworth and beyond
Village life should not be destroyed

Full text:

There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size, which just happens to be in a designated green belt area.
A huge investment will be required to ensure flooding does not occur in Cubbington
The current schools, doctors and shops in the area are insufficient to cope with a development of that enormity. Currently it is difficult finding a parking space at the existing establishments.
Access to the main roads will create enormous problems which are already extremely busy, particularly at peak times.
I also have reservations as to how the main road into Leamington would cope with the increase in the volume of traffic
A considerable amount of traffic, besides the outlying villages, uses Offchurch and Cubbington from the south of Leamington to access the A46, Kenilworth and beyond
Village life is an integral part of this country's make up. This would be destroyed in this area should a development of this magnitude take place