
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44677

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Andrew Sharp

Representation Summary:

Unnecessary development of farm land - erosion of green belt separating Cubbington from Leamington/Lillington. Loss of amenity/green space
Further development of land which will ? it flooding in sensitive areas already at risk
I do not accept statistics/government proportions for housing need in this or any other area in the UK - all figures pre recession and assuming growth in the economy which can now clearly be seen as illusory
Traffic problems? or will the residents of this new housing have anywhere to go? jobs?

Full text:

Unnecessary development of farm land - erosion of green belt separating Cubbington from Leamington/Lillington. Loss of amenity/green space
Further development of land which will ? it flooding in sensitive areas already at risk
I do not accept statistics/government proportions for housing need in this or any other area in the UK - all figures pre recession and assuming growth in the economy which can now clearly be seen as illusory
Traffic problems? or will the residents of this new housing have anywhere to go? jobs?