
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44660

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Marcia Betty Thornton

Representation Summary:

Green Belt land should be protected. If it keeps being built on, we shall be covered in concrete.
Cubbington and Lillington are seriously at risk of flooding due to heavy clay soil in this area.
The roads and junctions are already very congested.
Can the water and sewerage pipes cope with all this extra building.
Please do all you can to protect our wildlife and countryside

Full text:

Green Belt land should be protected. If it keeps being built on, we shall be covered in concrete.
Cubbington and Lillington are seriously at risk of flooding due to heavy clay soil in this area.
The roads and junctions are already very congested.
Can the water and sewerage pipes cope with all this extra building.
Please do all you can to protect our wildlife and countryside