GT02 Land abutting the Fosse Way at its junction with the B425

Showing comments and forms 211 to 240 of 705


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56926

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Paul Whiting

Representation Summary:

No easy access to schools and GPs.
Public transport is limited.
Fosse Way is busy and dangerous.
Visual impact will be difficult to hide without harming character of the area.
Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre and have impact on local economy.
Might damage archaeological remains.
Will over stretch facilities in Radford Semele.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56928

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Sandra Speck

Representation Summary:

No convenient access to schools, GPs or shops. Local schools and surgeries are full.
Flooding problems in the area.
No safe access to road network. Adding traffic to the A425 would be dangerous.
Use of large commercial vehicles is not sustainable.
No water or waste disposal facilities.
Adverse impact on natural and historic environments. Cannot be integrated into landscape and will change the character of the area.
Will not help integration or co-existence.
Will add to pressures on limited local facilities.
No footpaths or bus stops. Dangerous for pedestrian and children going to school, especially when trying to cross the A425.
Limited employment opportunities in the area and will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre, further impacting local jobs and economy.
Adverse impact on green belt.
Site is on Archaeological Register.
Will impact on wildlife and ancient woodland.
Area was previously rejected in 2012 SHLAA for housing because of lack of services/facilities. What has now changed?

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56929

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ann Jennings

Representation Summary:

No surgery in Radford Semele and nearest one is full but difficult to access via bus. There is no pavement to get to bus stop, which is on a grass verge and is next to busy main road.
School will shortly be full and cannot be accessed safely on foot from site as no pavements/street lighting.
No utilities and rural electricity supply would not cope with increased demand.
Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre which will adversely affect other businesses and local economy/jobs.
The 2012 SHLAA stated area was not appropriate for development so why is it now being suggested?
Fosse Way is a busy and dangerous road which no local would consider walking or cycling in its vicinity.
Costs of developing the site would be paid by council tax payers as would any subsequent legal battles.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56934

Received: 27/07/2013

Respondent: Paul Jennings

Representation Summary:

Nearest surgery is 5 miles and 2 bus journeys away.
Bus stop is an overgrown grass verge with no footpath.
No capacity at local surgeries.
No safe pedestrian access to schools.
Is a high risk route with poor accident record, so hazardous for caravans/long vehicles and pedestrians (no pavements or street lighting).
Would result in gypsies/travellers outnumbering existing residents.
Adverse impact on ancient woodland and archaeological remains along Fosse Way.
Adverse visual impact and cannot be integrated into the landscape.
Proposals already affecting Exhibition Centre. How can council sanction adverse impact on local jobs, business and wider economy?

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56936

Received: 11/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Janet Malin

Representation Summary:

No doctors' surgery in the vicinity and nearest one is full.
Difficult for children to get to school in Radford Semele as bus stop inaccessible (no footpath, having to cross busy road), no footpaths to walk/cycle. Will lead to increased car journeys and add to congestion on school run.
Can secondary schools cope with increased demand?
How much consultation has been done with the gypsy/traveller communities as to what they want?
Fosse Way extremely busy and dangerous (12 accidents in 3 years). Increasing traffic will increase the dangers.
Will not blend in with the surrounding scenery/landscape. Proposed new houses and HS2 are already putting pressure on the local landscape/character.
Site could endanger archaeological remains alongside the Fosse Way.
Proposal already affecting Exhibition Centre business and it would close if scheme goes ahead, resulting in 40 job losses and c£2m loss to local economy. How can this be seriously considered?

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56937

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: S G L Bugg

Representation Summary:

Access to public transport/bus stop is inconvenient and dangerous as no footpaths alongside busy roads.
No convenient access to GP surgery.
Location in valley makes site difficult to integrate into landscape without having an adverse impact.
Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre which will impact on local economy.
Fosse Way and surrounding area is of historic importance.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56938

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Fiona Dyson

Representation Summary:

Local medical centres are full and next nearest is 5 miles away.
Radford Semele school will soon be at capacity.
Doubtful gypsies and travellers will use public transport so an irrelevant issue.
Access to a busy and dangerous road network would not be safe. Additional traffic generated will add to the pressures on the roads.
Site is on Archaeological Register and development would harm the historic environment.
Development would impact upon nearby woodland and bat population.
Site can be seen from 3 sides so cannot be integrated into the landscape and will harm its character. Any working/commercial operation on the site will increase the visual impact and urbanising effect of the development on the area.
Will impact the Exhibition Centre and so the local economy.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56939

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr D Askew

Representation Summary:

Local surgery is full. Nearest one is 5 miles away but has no direct bus service.
Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre and loss of jobs/revenue to the area.
Site is on a high risk travel route (12 accidents in 3 years). There is no pavement, the bus stop is on a grass verge and cycling is dangerous.
Will damage wildlife habitat and protected woodland.
Site is on Archaeological Register.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56940

Received: 12/07/2013

Respondent: Mr G Sidaway

Representation Summary:

Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre which will impact local jobs and the economy. This will not promote peaceful co-existence.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56942

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: G.A. Deeming

Representation Summary:

Site is on busy road and known accident black spot.
Will impact on exhibition Centre and opportunities for job creation.
Local school is at capacity.
Nearest surgery is over 5 miles away but has no direct bus service.
Will adversely impact the views of the areas.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56943

Received: 10/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Colin Bishop

Representation Summary:

Will destroy Exhibition Centre resulting in job losses and damage to local economy.
No convenient access to GP surgery which is over 5 miles away but is full.
Site is on a high risk travel route (12 accidents in 3 years), grass verge for a bus stop and no paths for pedestrians or cyclists.
Site is on Archaeological Register.
Will damage views across the valley, the wildlife and ancient woodland and so will harm the character of the area.
Council has clearly not done its homework on this site allocation.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56944

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs H. Askew

Representation Summary:

Site is on busy road which has many accidents and no pavement to walk on. Not a safe site especially for children.
Nearest GP has no capacity for new patients and there is no direct bus service.
Jobs at Warwickshire Exhibition Centre will be lost; prospective business has already been affected.
Site is on Achaeological register and should not be developed.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56945

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr JWG Blackwell

Representation Summary:

Impact on Local Economy:
Will result in closure of Exhibition Centre which has already suffered loss of business
Local jobs at risk.
WEC contributes to lcoal economy and there will be knock on effect on other businesses.
Access to Local Amenities:
Nearest GP at capacity
Alternative GP is 5 miles away
High risk travel route.
Bus stop on overgrown verge with no pavement.
Cycling dangerous on commuter route.
Historic Environment:
Site on Archaeological register with recent finds.
Historic toll site.
Rural Environment:
Visual impact across valley to Leamington and Warwick
Damage to wildlife habitat on ancient woodland.
Traditional Gyspy lifestyle incompatible with settled community and unlikely to integrate.
Have reputation of pestering for work.
Law needs to be upheld in relation to planning and trespass.
What are costs involved and how much will be contributed by G&T community?

Full text:

See attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56946

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Valerie Chantry

Representation Summary:

Infrastructure cannot support G&T site now or in the future. Cost of service provision would be prohibitive.
Alongside very busy road with safety issues. Would be additional safety concerns with children and dogs. Difficult to join Fosse because of volume and speed of traffic.
Visual impact detracting from rural landscape and natural environment.
Do not want or need more people, animals and vehicles in rural area where amenities are limited.
Conducting businesses from site would take local jobs away and necessitate buildings for storage and increase volume of traffic further.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56947

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr O.H. Aries

Representation Summary:

WEC contributes greatly to local economy. 40 jobs are likely to be lost if the centre closes. Prospective business already suffering.
Nearest GP is 3 miles away and is full. Alternative is 5 miles away with no regular direct bus service. Schools are 2-3 miles from the site and have no capacity.
On hihg risk route with serious accidents over recent years. Only one bus service with no paths making walking difficult. No viable access to rail transport.
Site on Archaeological register and historic toll site next to roman road.
Area is in valley and gateway to Leamington and Warwick. New developement would have visual impact for miles and impossible to screen properly or in keeping with surrounding landscape.
Diverse wildlife which will be destroyed.
Speeds are high on road with blind spots and high risk.
Access to utilities poor at best and more would need to be installed.

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see atached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56948

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Radford Semele Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The Exhibition Centre would close with the loss of 40 jobs and contribution to the local economy. Business fits well into local landscape and social environment.
If sited opposite, the business would have to close and has already lost business.
Locations are subject to water drainage problems.
Ecological concerns over effect that dogs will have on wildlife and farm animals.
Threat to agricultural practices and food production from contamination.
Roman occupation of area and achaeological possibilities.
Proposed site necessitated by extensive facilities demands site three time size of WEC - disbelief at such a proposal on this site.
Existing traffic a concern. Additional site would exacerbate problem.
Bus stops are on grass verge with no safe waiting positions and no footpaths along busy roads. Changes required would mean acquisition of more land and considerable infrastructure costs. Nearest GP is full and unable to take more patients.
Character needs to be considered in context of history.
Quality agricultural land.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56953

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Tracey Latto

Representation Summary:

Site is >1.5 miles from GP surgery and outside catchment for Harbury surgery. Nearest is therefore >3miles away, which is full. Next is 4.7 miles and not served by direct public transport.
Schooling similar. Radford is almost full and new houses will be built nearby. Harbury School oversubscribed.
Bus stop has no pedestrian links from site.
Possible need for highway improvements to accommodate extra traffic safely.
Busy junction, fast traffic and high risk route.
Very noisy road.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply limited rural line which may need upgrade.
Site choice overlooks that this is Roman road on original alignment and therefore considerable archaeological remains likely. Also tollhouse here and remains found.
Woodlands have rare species.
Site would be 4x size of WEC and could be bigger with business space added. Cannot integrate caravans and vehicles into landscape without harm t visual appearance and character.
Two distinct local communities. Those close by and those in Radford Semele. Local residents would be absorbed by new residents, who are small in number.
Several businesses in the area and WEC would lose business and may close with job losses and effect on associated businesses.
Possible urbanisation of rural area.
Loss of good quality farmland.
Loss of open countryside.
Close to rare breed business with disease risk introduced if this goes ahead.
Loss of wildlife habitat.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56959

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: G King

Representation Summary:

Volume of traffic on raod considered high risk.
Exhibitions are held here.
Distances to GP, school and public transport ie Radford Semele, Harbury and Southam are considerable.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56963

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr J Graham

Representation Summary:

Will completely destroy existing thriving, growing business at WEC with loss of jobs. District cannot afford to lose business this way.
Negative impact on surrounding area and will harm environment, being clearly visible from and out of keeping with surrounding area.
Adjacent and alongside two busy roads. Access and use of site will prove distinct threat to pedestrians and motorists.
Too remote from services.
Radford Semele is not an option.
Lacks necessary infrastructure.
Unacceptable level of destruction to develop.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56965

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Linda Compton

Representation Summary:

Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56975

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Martin Austin

Representation Summary:

Unsociable policy.
Travellers should be travelling.
Road inadequate and busy junction.
High environmental quality.
Will stretch doctors, school, policing, courts and rubbish removal.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56980

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Jo Craven

Representation Summary:

Sydenham GP surgery full.
No direct bus route. Bus stops not easy to access.
No safe access and highway works required. Verge too narrow in places.
Would need lit pavement built into Radford Semele.
Fosse Way is high risk crash route. Heavy fast moving traffic. Problems of access onto Fosse Way. Children would be at risk.
Area to north experiences flooding.
No capacity for mains gas. Septic tanks used locally - no mains sewage system. Mains power supply would need upgrading.
Adjacent historic wood with protected wildlife.
Roman road and toll station.
Could not be integrated into the landscape with natural screening.
Local population would be increased by >100% so not integrating.
WEC would close with loss of jobs and knock on effect for other businesses.
LDF rejected land south of RS for development as being too remote from amenities therefore not suitable for GT either.

Full text:

see attached


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57028

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Andrew Law

Representation Summary:

No schools or GP surgery.
No public transport.
Main road is busy with no footpath.
No utilities.
Area is on Archaeological Register and adjacent to ancient woodland which will be damaged.
Will not create integration.
Adverse impact on local businesses.
No adequate areas for children and pets to play safely.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57084

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ms Louise Roberts

Representation Summary:

Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on WEC and other local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57085

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: DR Amanda Randall

Representation Summary:

Site is in open countryside and will completely change the character of the area and harm its rural nature.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57088

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Evelyn Hagan

Representation Summary:

Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57089

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Peter Hagan

Representation Summary:

Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.

Full text:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57147

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs M Haworth

Representation Summary:

Schools are already full.
Additional parking would be hazardous.
Site access/egress is via a dangerous road.

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Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57157

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ms Jo Eliott

Representation Summary:

Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.

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Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57177

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Robert Shaw

Representation Summary:

.Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.

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