
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56947

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr O.H. Aries

Representation Summary:

WEC contributes greatly to local economy. 40 jobs are likely to be lost if the centre closes. Prospective business already suffering.
Nearest GP is 3 miles away and is full. Alternative is 5 miles away with no regular direct bus service. Schools are 2-3 miles from the site and have no capacity.
On hihg risk route with serious accidents over recent years. Only one bus service with no paths making walking difficult. No viable access to rail transport.
Site on Archaeological register and historic toll site next to roman road.
Area is in valley and gateway to Leamington and Warwick. New developement would have visual impact for miles and impossible to screen properly or in keeping with surrounding landscape.
Diverse wildlife which will be destroyed.
Speeds are high on road with blind spots and high risk.
Access to utilities poor at best and more would need to be installed.

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