
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56929

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ann Jennings

Representation Summary:

No surgery in Radford Semele and nearest one is full but difficult to access via bus. There is no pavement to get to bus stop, which is on a grass verge and is next to busy main road.
School will shortly be full and cannot be accessed safely on foot from site as no pavements/street lighting.
No utilities and rural electricity supply would not cope with increased demand.
Will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre which will adversely affect other businesses and local economy/jobs.
The 2012 SHLAA stated area was not appropriate for development so why is it now being suggested?
Fosse Way is a busy and dangerous road which no local would consider walking or cycling in its vicinity.
Costs of developing the site would be paid by council tax payers as would any subsequent legal battles.

Full text:

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