
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56928

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Sandra Speck

Representation Summary:

No convenient access to schools, GPs or shops. Local schools and surgeries are full.
Flooding problems in the area.
No safe access to road network. Adding traffic to the A425 would be dangerous.
Use of large commercial vehicles is not sustainable.
No water or waste disposal facilities.
Adverse impact on natural and historic environments. Cannot be integrated into landscape and will change the character of the area.
Will not help integration or co-existence.
Will add to pressures on limited local facilities.
No footpaths or bus stops. Dangerous for pedestrian and children going to school, especially when trying to cross the A425.
Limited employment opportunities in the area and will lead to closure of Exhibition Centre, further impacting local jobs and economy.
Adverse impact on green belt.
Site is on Archaeological Register.
Will impact on wildlife and ancient woodland.
Area was previously rejected in 2012 SHLAA for housing because of lack of services/facilities. What has now changed?

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