
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56934

Received: 27/07/2013

Respondent: Paul Jennings

Representation Summary:

Nearest surgery is 5 miles and 2 bus journeys away.
Bus stop is an overgrown grass verge with no footpath.
No capacity at local surgeries.
No safe pedestrian access to schools.
Is a high risk route with poor accident record, so hazardous for caravans/long vehicles and pedestrians (no pavements or street lighting).
Would result in gypsies/travellers outnumbering existing residents.
Adverse impact on ancient woodland and archaeological remains along Fosse Way.
Adverse visual impact and cannot be integrated into the landscape.
Proposals already affecting Exhibition Centre. How can council sanction adverse impact on local jobs, business and wider economy?

Full text:

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