
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56938

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Fiona Dyson

Representation Summary:

Local medical centres are full and next nearest is 5 miles away.
Radford Semele school will soon be at capacity.
Doubtful gypsies and travellers will use public transport so an irrelevant issue.
Access to a busy and dangerous road network would not be safe. Additional traffic generated will add to the pressures on the roads.
Site is on Archaeological Register and development would harm the historic environment.
Development would impact upon nearby woodland and bat population.
Site can be seen from 3 sides so cannot be integrated into the landscape and will harm its character. Any working/commercial operation on the site will increase the visual impact and urbanising effect of the development on the area.
Will impact the Exhibition Centre and so the local economy.

Full text:

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