
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56980

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Jo Craven

Representation Summary:

Sydenham GP surgery full.
No direct bus route. Bus stops not easy to access.
No safe access and highway works required. Verge too narrow in places.
Would need lit pavement built into Radford Semele.
Fosse Way is high risk crash route. Heavy fast moving traffic. Problems of access onto Fosse Way. Children would be at risk.
Area to north experiences flooding.
No capacity for mains gas. Septic tanks used locally - no mains sewage system. Mains power supply would need upgrading.
Adjacent historic wood with protected wildlife.
Roman road and toll station.
Could not be integrated into the landscape with natural screening.
Local population would be increased by >100% so not integrating.
WEC would close with loss of jobs and knock on effect for other businesses.
LDF rejected land south of RS for development as being too remote from amenities therefore not suitable for GT either.

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