
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44203

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr W McMaster

Representation Summary:

Since a drainage system was installed by Severn Trent we have had continual problems with excess water during rainy periods causing damage to my house. I feel that any further development to the land, due to the soil, would increase the risks of flooding.

The green belt should be retained whilst there are other non designated green belt sites suitable for development.

The roads are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic.

The proposed development will affect the quiet location and picturesque views and could also possibly devalue our property.

Full text:

* My home is situated at the top of Oakridge Road adjacent to the fields which are a potential site for housing development. Since a drainage system was installed by Severn Trent Water we have had continual problems with excess water flowing from the fields during rainy periods causing damage to my house. We have spent large sums money installing a drainage system around my property in order to correct this problem. I feel that any further development to the land, due to the impervious heavy clay sub soil, would increase the risks of flooding to not only to Oakridge Road but also Leighton Close, Parklands Avenue and many other roads in the area.
* The protection given by the existing green belt should be retained whilst there are other non designated green belt sites which are suitable for development in the district.
* The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and these roads are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site.
* What attracted us to the area and purchasing this property 24 years ago was the quiet location and picturesque views. We were assured that the land would not be built on due to its green belt status. The proposed development will not only affect this but would also possibly devalue our property.