
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44211

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Catherine Eastaff

Representation Summary:

Village life should be protected at all costs. Cubbington will lose its identity completely.

There would be an enormous pressure put upon local schools/ doctors/ services, which puts local people at a disadvantage.

Green belt land should be preserved and never considered as a potential site for housing development.

Increased traffic will cause considerable disruption to local road networks.

We need to preserve our wildlife and our access to our rural locality.

We moved to Cubbington because it was a rural village, and feel strongly that this proposed development should take place on this site.

Full text:

Village life should be protected at all costs. Cubbington will lose its identity completely.

There would be an enormous pressure put upon local schools/ doctors/ services, which puts local people at a disadvantage.

Green belt land should be preserved and never considered as a potential site for housing development.

Increased traffic will cause considerable disruption to local road networks.

We need to preserve our wildlife and our access to our rural locality.

We moved to Cubbington because it was a rural village, and feel strongly that this proposed development should take place on this site.