
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44218

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Andrea Quartermaine

Representation Summary:

I have children who did and do attend Cubbington School. I was brought up in Cubbington (since the age of 6) and I want my children to be brought up in Cubbington VILLAGE. My family were also the victims of the flooding in June 2007 and we had to move out for 6 months. The prospect of more houses in Cubbington being built makes me very concerned, should we have another heavy rainfall again. Why should I and my children worry every time it rains. It's bad enough now! And that's without more houses being built.

Full text:

I have children who did and do attend Cubbington School. I was brought up in Cubbington (since the age of 6) and I want my children to be brought up in Cubbington VILLAGE. My family were also the victims of the flooding in June 2007 and we had to move out for 6 months. The prospect of more houses in Cubbington being built makes me very concerned, should we have another heavy rainfall again. Why should I and my children worry every time it rains. It's bad enough now! And that's without more houses being built.