
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44221

Received: 15/03/2010

Respondent: Miss & Mr N Lovell & S Dunne

Representation Summary:

Cubbington will lose its identity as a village

Drains and sewers cannot cope with existing housing requirements and Cubbington has an ongoing problem with flooding.

We already experience congestion and accidents on the local roads. I am greatly concerned about the safety of school children.

We do not have the necessary infrastructure for extra housing.

There would be a huge impact on the local wildlife.

We are actively encouraged to improve our lifestyles. I can't think of a better way than country walks. If this development was to go ahead we would lose this wonderful recreation.

Full text:

Cubbington will lose its identity as a village

Drains and sewers cannot cope with existing housing requirements and Cubbington has an ongoing problem with flooding. Additional housing will only add to this existing problem and create more flooding and misery to the village.

Increased traffic on all local routes. We already experience traffic queuing on the Rugby Road and Windmill Hill at peak times and there are frequent accidents at the mini roundabout at this junction. O am greatly concerned about the safety of school children from Our Lady and St Teresa's who leave the school premises onto Windmill Hill which would have a much greater traffic flow should this development go ahead.

We do not have the necessary infrastructure for extra housing as the schools are full and there is only one GP surgery in the area.

There would be a huge impact on the local wildlife. The fields have a number of badger sets as well as a variety of wildlife which is not essential to our area and we should be conserving not destroying.

We are actively encouraged to exercise more and improve our lifestyles. I can't think of a better way than country walks local to our homes. If this development was to go ahead we would lose this wonderful recreation we regularly frequent.