Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission

Ended on the 18 August 2020

(1)Bibliography and References

2017 Population Estimates – From the Table SAPE20DT8: Mid-2017 Population Estimates for 2017 Wards in England and Wales by Single Year of Age and Sex - Experimental Statistics - January 2019- The Office for National Statistics

Cycling: A Solution, Not a Problem – January 2014 - Cycleways

Green Belt and Green Field Review (2013)

Guide to assessing development proposals on agricultural land – Natural England – January 2018

HM Government – Industrial Strategy - Electric Vehicle Charging in Residential and Non-Residential Buildings.

Housing Needs Survey for Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan Group – July 2017 – Warwickshire Rural Community Council Housing





Landscape Assessment Update (2014)

Landscape Sensitivity and Ecological & Geological Study – November 2013 –Warwickshire County Council

LDF Evidence Base – Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment – May 2014 Site Assessments: Rural Areas

Local Plan – Warwick District Council 2011 -2029

National Character Area profile: 96: Dunsmore and Feldon – Natural England 2013

National Planning Policy Framework – July 2018 – Ministry of Housing, Local Communities & Local Government.

Neighbourhood Plans Roadmap Guide – 2016 - Department for Communities and Local Government

Ofsted Report – Radford Semele CofE Primary School – June 2015

Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Option – March & June 2019 – Warwick District Council

Radford Semele Parish Plan

Report on the Examination of the Warwick District Council Local Plan , The Planning Inspectorate, July 2017

Report on the Examination of the Warwick District Local Plan, July 2017

Residential Design Guide – April 2018 – Warwick District Council

SHMA produced by Warwick District

WDC Residential Design Guide

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