1) Land to the east of Church Lane

Showing comments and forms 151 to 180 of 256


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61768

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Radford Semele Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Object due to traffic issues:

-Traffic at this central point in the village on the A425 Southam Road is heavy in the morning and evening peak periods.
-These traffic flows will increase from Southam and surrounding villages as Stratford District housing plans are implemented. Access onto Southam Road from Offchurch Lane, School Lane, Church Lane and White Lion Public House intersect at this location. The additional traffic generated can only add to the complexity and hazard.
-Traffic solutions of introducing traffic island or lights would change the rural character of Southam Road in the vicinity of Manor House/White Lion/Church Lane.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61769

Received: 21/01/2014

Respondent: Mr & Mrs David & Valerie Leigh-Hunt

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Traffic Concerns:

-Traffic at this central point on the A425 is heavy during peak periods. Traffic flows will increase as from Southam and surrounding villages as Stratford District housing plans are implemented.

-Additional traffic from the Site would worsen the hazard at intersect of Offchurch Lane/School Lane/Church Lane/White Lion pub onto the Southam Road.

-Solutions to the hazard discussed above can only be achieved by the introduction of a traffic calming measures. This would change the rural nature of Southam Road in its historic setting into an urban thoroughfare destroying the most attractive point in the village.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61771

Received: 15/01/2014

Respondent: Miss F Coogan

Representation Summary:

-Development here would destroy Radford Semele.
-The requirement for 100 houses is too high.
-200+ vehicles cause by the new houses would cause significant traffic problems.
-The Church and several surrounding buildings are listed. The setting of listed buildings must be destroyed only as a last resort, in exceptional cases, where there are no alternatives.
-This Site would be an eyesore. The 1994 Planning Inspector's Report says such development on this sort of site is unacceptable, and it would remove the last open space in the village.
-The Church must retain its countryside setting.
-The fields provide necessary natural drainage.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61773

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Dororthy Hoit

Representation Summary:

I object to Site 1 completely

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61774

Received: 15/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Andrew Jones

Representation Summary:

-The church is a listed building and its setting needs to be protected. The attempted by the land owner/developer to use public open space in front of the church to afford that protection is inadequate.
-Development would create an unacceptable vista when viewed from the church itself. Only such a rural setting is acceptable for a listed church.
-Usage of the village facilities involves crossing an already busy road which will be busier with new houses. Radford Semele was selected for housing due to its provision of services; it is nonsensical to locate development away from the village heart.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61785

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Robert Fairbrother

Representation Summary:

-I object to the development of Site 1 as it will be greatly spoil the attractive rural heart of the village. I am also concerned about the impact on traffic load around the junction of School Lane and Radford Road.
-Recommend Sites 2 and 3.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61786

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Ann Parsons

Representation Summary:

-I consider the proposal completely unacceptable. The junctions with Offchurch Lane is very dangerous already- young girl suffered a broken leg after being hit by a van in slow moving traffic). The other junctions at School Lane, Church Lane, Kingshurst and two private roads at top of the hill would make access more dangerous than it already is.
-Add to the proposed development, existing traffic from surrounding villages plus lorries and delivery vans traffic would be intolerable.
-I would prefer sites 2 and 3.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61787

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Kenneth Darlison

Representation Summary:

-Site 1 will worsen traffic problems on the Southam Road
-Offchurch Lane, School Lane and Church Lane junctions area already difficult and dangerous.
-Between the junctions Lewis Road and School Lane is extremely busy and adding another junction and the extra traffic will only make this busy part of the village even more dangerous.
-During certain parts of the day the traffic is nearly continuous through to Upton and Southam.
-We recommend sites 2 and 3

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61788

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr JWG Blackwell

Representation Summary:

-Would ruin the ''rural village'' image given by the view of the church and fields.
-Vehicular access is dangerous.
-Many vehicles travelling down the hill go above the speed limit and have virtually no time to brake after the blind curve on Southam Road.
-A cyclist sustained serious injuries having been hit by a car (allegedly exceeding the speed limit) here.
-Public Open Space is not required we already have a playing field in the village. It is easy to foresee both spaces in front of the church gathering litter.
-Would cause problems for schools, doctors, sewage, drainage and traffic.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61789

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Brian W Follett

Representation Summary:

-I object to Site 1. This land is in an attractive rural setting which if developed would transform the area into a significant housing estate and would have a major impact on the setting of the Church due to its close proximity.

-The housing development could generate around 200 cars and road access to the site would create major problems with the existing road system. The Southam Road is already very busy with traffic through the village and adding a further access close to Church Lane/School Lane/Offchurch Lane, as well as the pub car park would add to the congestion.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61790

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Carol Darlison

Representation Summary:

I object to Site 1 because:

School Lane, Lewis Road, Offchurch Lane etc are already very busy and dangerous. Junctions onto Southam Road and the addition of another access road onto Southam Road will only make this part of the Village even more dangerous for pedestrians and motorists.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61791

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Robert Saunders

Representation Summary:

Object as prefer Sites 2 and 3.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61792

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr John C Matthews

Representation Summary:

The WDC are inconsistent with their thoughts. The safety hazard of 2 cars per household entering and leaving this site along with the school traffic at peak time will create delays and tail backs. The A456 will be a danger with long delays for vehicles leaving Offchurch Lane

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61793

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Joseph Stevens

Representation Summary:

-Site 1 is contrary to statute regarding a listed building settings development of this site would spoil the whole character of that part of the village and lead to totally unacceptable extra traffic congestion at the access point and also the existing junction at Offchurch Lane and Southam Road.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61794

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Philip Coogan

Representation Summary:

-Additional access roads and traffic in Church Lane would be highly dangerous and cause unacceptable levels of pollution and gridlock.
-The council has a duty to protect the Church's views. Development in this area has previously been firmly rejected and it would be negligent to overturn this ruling. It seems unlikely that so many houses in such a small space would be in keeping with the surrounding area and would destroy the character of the village.
-The fields are necessary for drainage.
-The village infrastructure cannot take and extra 100 houses and the preferred location is impractical.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61795

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Peter Whittaker

Representation Summary:

Object because:
-Its impact on the view both of the Church and the rural view by the Church from the main road.
-The considerable adverse traffic impact in the village and the queues caused on the Southam and Radford roads by the necessary traffic lights that would need to be installed.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61796

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Stephen Evans

Representation Summary:

-Object because of its impact on the view of both the church and rural view by the church from the main road.
-Also because of the considerable adverse traffic impact it will have on the village by necessary traffic lights that would need to be installed.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61797

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Patricia Holdstock

Representation Summary:

Any development on this site would close much of the open outlook of this part of the village. Also it would affect the impression of the separation of Leamington and Radford Semele.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61798

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Gillian Richardson

Representation Summary:

Objects to Site 1 and recommends Sites 2 and 3

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61800

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr David Holdstock

Representation Summary:

Access onto Southam Road would be at an already congested and dangerous stretch of road, at the present time it has a blind bend, tee junction, access to pub car park, bus stop, pedestrian crossing and a cross roads. All are within 100 meters length of this road. Adding a further access point to this section of road from the proposed development would mean traffic lights/traffic islands and these would add to the delays already experienced by commuter traffic through the village.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61801

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Whittaker

Representation Summary:

Object and would recommend Site 3

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61802

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Richard Iredale

Representation Summary:

-Development would affect the heritage setting of the Grade II Listed Church of St Nicholas.
-120 houses would create considerable traffic problems on the Southam Road.
-The site is remote from local shops/services.
-There are archaeological remains in the field including a medieval sunken village.
-Site is prone to high levels of surface water flooding as identified by the Environment Agency flood risk site. Building more houses will exacerbate this.
-The site is significant in terms of ecology (i.e. newts, snakes, mice, and migrating birds) and bats are visible every year.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61803

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Matthew Iredale

Representation Summary:

Object because of:

1994 insectors planning report.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61804

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Yvonne Iredale

Representation Summary:

I would like to object to Site 1 as a preferred option for housing on the grounds of:
-Heritage and setting
-Visual Amenity
-Access to amenities
-1994 inspectors planning report.

Full text:

see attached


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61805

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Miss Natasha Iredale

Representation Summary:

Object to houses being built around The Church and The White Lion Pub as it will destroy the centre of the village and setting.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61806

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Alan & Francis Peel

Representation Summary:

-This is an attractive rural setting with the church historically viewed across the open fields.
-It is already difficult to access the main road from School Lane and also Offchurch Lane. Traffic lights would not alienate this at all with all the extra traffic. The church is a listed building.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61807

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr James Walwyn

Representation Summary:

Recommend Sites 2 and 3

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61808

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Patricia Bartlett

Representation Summary:

-Building on this site would completely destroy the rural setting of the listed church which is admired by many when travelling on Southam Road.
-The increase in traffic would intensify the real risk of more accidents happening, it is already a nightmare trying to exit from School Lane at peak periods. The risk to children when entering or leaving the school would be increased.

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61809

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Bryn Evans

Representation Summary:

-Any development on this site will ruin the beautiful setting of the listed church.
-The development would close the last remaining open space in the village.
-Vehicle access and exiting would be dangerous and will increase the already high risk of accidents in this area.
-Not enough though or development of waste water or sewerage has been allocated to this site. Flooding and waste water is already a problem at a higher point that this site

Full text:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61810

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Anita Hamilton

Representation Summary:

-Access to and from the site on Southam Road is untenable.
-Traffic congestion and tail backs through the village would be of a magnitude that would prohibit the new development from being used as regular dwellings.

Full text:

see attached
