Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – July 2018
In July 2018 the Government published a revised NPPF, building on the 2012 framework. It sets out the Government's planning policies and how they are expected to be applied. It establishes planning principles which should underpin both plan-making and decision-taking and the guidance sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development.
To support the NPPF the updated online National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) also offers further national guidance on the interpretation and implementation of the NPPF.
The guidance contained in the NPPF and NPPG will be a material consideration for all development proposals relating to the site.
Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029 – September 2017
There are a number of Local Plan policies of specific or generic relevance to the subject area. However, the policies referred to in this section are the most strategically relevant in the preparation of this Development Brief:
Policy DS9 'Employment Sites to be Allocated' allocates 8 hectares of land for B1 (Business) and B2 (General Industrial) on site E1 (Land at Thickthorn, Kenilworth) to be provided as part of the strategic urban extensions at Thickthorn, Kenilworth. The explanatory text highlights that a supply of good quality employment land in Kenilworth is limited and that this site provides the opportunity for mixed B1 and B2 employment development to meet local and wider needs of the District. Other non-B class uses will not be considered acceptable. Eight hectares has been allocated as this represents an allocation of sufficient size to meet a variety of demands.
Policy DS10 'Broad Location of Allocated Housing Sites' identifies a significant number of dwellings, 1,593, allocated on greenfield sites on the edge of Kenilworth. The policy explores the spatial strategy in meeting housing needs of the district and highlights the site selection process which favours sites firstly within the urban area, then on the edge of urban areas and the city. In highlighting the rationale the Policy states: "In selecting sites on the edge of urban areas, non-Green Belt sites are favoured over Green Belt sites where possible. However, where there are no suitable non-Green Belt alternatives, sites are removed from the Green Belt to enable development to take place. This applies to land to meet the needs of Coventry, Kenilworth and some of the villages".
Local Plan Policy DS11 'Allocated Housing Sites' allocates sites H06 (East of Kenilworth (Thickthorn)) and H40 (East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre)) for housing and associated infrastructure and uses. H06 is allocated for an estimated 760 dwellings and H40 for 640 dwellings. Across the two sites the following infrastructure requirements and complementary uses are identified: Local Centre; primary school(s); new secondary school; community facilities. The location of all of the Kenilworth allocations is shown in Figure 2.
Paragraph 2.47 of the Local Plan acknowledges that Kenilworth has seen limited new development in the last 20 years and that new housing that has been provided has largely been at the expense of employment land. It identifies the opportunity that the site can play in the sustainable growth of the town: "This development, therefore, provides the opportunity to deliver new housing and employment in a sustainable location along with the necessary supporting facilities including primary schools, local centre and open space." The Policy also highlights that to ensure the delivery of housing and associated uses in Kenilworth, the Council will consider the use of its Compulsory Purchase Powers.
Land at Southcrest Farm (site ED2) is allocated through Policy DS12 'Allocation of Land for Education' for educational uses and other compatible uses. This includes the provision of a secondary school, 6th form centre and, if deemed the most appropriate location, a primary school. The policy highlights that the whole area of the allocated site is unlikely to be required for educational purposes and therefore any land within this site that is surplus to the educational requirement is therefore allocated for housing.
The existing Kenilworth Secondary School on Leyes Lane (site H09) and 6th Form site on Rouncil Lane (site H12) are allocated for housing in Policy DS11. The school is seeking to relocate its facilities onto a single site and new housing in the Kenilworth priority area means that the school will require additional capacity if it is to continue to provide for the educational needs of the town and surrounding area. In addition, the new housing requires the provision of new primary schools (or one larger primary school).
Policy DS15 'Comprehensive Development of Strategic Sites' relates to a number of strategic housing sites including H06 and H40 to the east of Kenilworth. The policy states that proposals for the allocated strategic sites will be approved where they represent a comprehensive development scheme for the whole site. It further states that there will be a requirement to demonstrate this by the submission of either a Development Brief or a Layout and Design Statement as appropriate to be approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Policy highlights the criteria set out in Policy BE2 and
it specifically states that the following infrastructure and services shall be provided for these sites:
- Land for secondary school and primary school
- A community meeting place
- Retail facilities: a convenience store of no more than 500 square metres gross floorspace. A number of other smaller stores may also be provided.
The sub-text to the policy states that the Development Brief (or equivalent) should clearly demonstrate how the mix of uses and infrastructure requirements will be planned for and delivered, to ensure the development is sustainable and meets the policies set out elsewhere in the Local Plan. The text also highlights the importance of a comprehensive development scheme and strongly encourages landowners to work together closely to produce the most appropriate overall scheme for the site, stating: "This might be achieved for example through the setting up of consortia or other formal means of co-ordinated joint working (including the local planning authority as a full partner)".
Policy BE1 'Layout and Design' sets out high level generic design guidance for new development in the District. Policy BE2 'Developing Strategic Housing Sites' relates to sites of over 200 dwellings and highlights that these sites will be expected to comply with a Development Brief. The policy highlights that Development Briefs, to be adopted as supplementary planning guidance, will set out requirements for:
- Infrastructure (ensuring alignment with the Infrastructure Delivery Plan);
- Layout proposals, including where appropriate linkages and alignment with adjoining sites;
- Densities (which should not be lower than 30 dwellings per hectare on average);
- Design principles, taking account of the Garden Towns, Villages and Suburbs Prospectus and Buildings for Life 12;
- Design for healthy lifestyles including provision for cycling, walking, playing pitches, parks and open spaces and other green infrastructure;
- Landscaping;
- Site access and circulation;
- Managing and mitigating traffic generation (see policy TR2);
- The requirements set out in Policy BE1; and
- Community facilities, in accordance with policies HS1, HS6 and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, including how they will be viably managed and maintained in the long term.
The policy further states that where a Development Brief is absent for a strategic site, planning applications should comply with Policy BE1 and should be accompanied by a Layout and Design Statement providing detailed information to address the information in relation to the matters listed above.
Supplementary Planning Documents
In addition to policy contained within the Local Plan, proposed developments will also be required accord with other local adopted supplementary planning guidance that may be relevant.
Other current relevant Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and guidance include:
Air Quality & Planning SPD (August 2018) (Consultation Draft)
- Residential Design Guide SPD (June 2018)
- Parking Standards SPD (June 2018)
- Open Space SPD (July 2009)
- Sustainable Buildings SPD (December 2008)
- Affordable Housing SPD (January 2008).
It is envisaged that some SPDs will be reviewed and updated in light of the adoption of the Local Plan in September 2017 and additional SPDs may emerge and be adopted during the lifetime of this document. Any amended/new guidance will be given appropriate weight in the determination of planning applications dependent on its status.
Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version – March 2018
Kenilworth Town Council has led on the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan covering the entire parish. The
Neighbourhood Plan sets out detailed policies with regards to development in the town.
If 'made' following a successful referendum result, it will become part of the Development Plan and will be afforded significant weight in the determination of planning applications.
The Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Warwick District Council as Local Planning Authority and underwent a public consultation in April/May 2018. An Examiner was appointed in June 2018 to undertake the independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Subject to a series of recommended modifications the examiner in his report (August 2018) has concluded that the Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to
referendum. Kenilworth Town Council as Qualifying Body has amended the document in line with these recommendations and a referendum has been scheduled for 15th November 2018.
Whilst there are a number of general policies in the the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan that are of relevance to any development in the town, Policy KP4 'Land East of Kenilworth' specifically concerns the Development Brief site. Paragraphs 5.20-5.27 also specifically relate to the east of Kenilworth sites.
Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan Policy KP4 states:
Development proposals for housing and other uses on land released from the Green Belt east of Kenilworth, as shown on the Policies Map 5.2 (in the Neighbourhood Plan), will be supported where they accord with a Development Brief produced by Warwick District Council or a Layout and Design Statement to be approved by Warwick District Council, all in accordance with Local Plan Policy DS15.
The following principles should inform the Development Brief or Layout and Design Statement and hence show appropriate regard to the views of the local community:
- the provision of land for a secondary school, sixth form college and if deemed the most appropriate location a new primary school on land at Southcrest Farm in accordance with Warwick District Local Plan Policy DS12. The new schools site should include for the sports facilities to be, as currently, shared with the community;
- the provision of a primary school to serve the Thickthorn site in accordance with Warwick District Local Plan Policy DS11;
- the provision of a local centre comprising a mix of A1-A5 commercial uses and D1 community facilities, with the possible inclusion of medical and youth facilities and places of worship, to meet identified local needs that are also accessible to the existing residential areas of eastern Kenilworth;
- the potential provision of a distinct area at Thickthorn for B1 and suitable B2 business uses only, with direct vehicular access to A452 Leamington Road or direct to the A46 junction, the layout and design of which should enhance the entrance to the town from the A46 junction and must be compatible in uses with the amenities of adjoining residential areas;
- the provision of a proportion of the open market homes as self-serviced plots for self-build and custom build commensurate with demand evidenced on the local authority self-build register of interest, not exceeding 5% of the total number of dwellings;
- a highways strategy for an arrangement of uses and access routes to connect the development with the existing built up area at multiple points by walking, cycling, public transport andcar;
- residential roads within the development are designed to a 20mph standard so as to give priority to pedestrians and cyclists wherever possible;
- the provision of a green corridor through the various land parcels that wherever possible:
- is arranged in such away as to benefit the new development and the existing community;
- functions as a linear route linking the school sites and local centre;
- comprises and connects to pedestrian and cycle routes, public open space, the provision of new allotments and other forms of green infrastructure;
- incorporates Rocky Lane and Glasshouse Woodpath and other public rights of way and footpaths on the land as a means of improving access from the town to Stoneleigh and the River Avon;
- retains and integrates as much of the existing wooded areas such as Glasshouse Spinney, Crewe Lane Arboretum, the spinneys at Thickthorn and Jordan Closes and other landscape features as practical;
- the creation of a soft edge along Crewe Lane, retaining the belt of trees and a similar frontage to Glasshouse Lane;
- the protection of the residential amenity of the existing development along Leamington Road, Glasshouse Lane, Birches Lane and the roads off towards the developments including the planted verges in suchareas;
- the layout and appearance of the development shall conserve and where possible enhance the historic environment and heritage assets on or near to the site in a manner appropriate to the significance;
- an environmental strategy should establish how the development will provide opportunities for a net biodiversity gain and manage the sustainable drainage of the land;
- a phasing plan and delivery strategy should enable self-contained phases of development to come forward and set out the thresholds for the delivery of site infrastructure.
As the Neighbourhood Plan has been subject to independent examination and Kenilworth Town Council has made a number of modifications as recommended in the Examiner's report, this SPD takes into consideration the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan.
The District Council and Town Council have worked closely to ensure alignment on key matters to provide clear and consistent guidance relating to the site.