GT19 Land at Birmingham Road, Budbrooke (green)

Showing comments and forms 151 to 180 of 288


Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64655

Received: 06/05/2014

Respondent: SUSAN WILSON

Representation Summary:

-The railway line and deep water of the canal will be dangerous for the gypsy children
- The site is near the dangerous Birmingham road and access to the garage
-Negative impact on the canal as a heritage / tourist asset
- detrimental impact on the ecology, wildlife and local farmland
-the view from the main road (entrance to historic Warwick) will be ruined
-negative impact on the landscape character / quality of this location

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64656

Received: 06/05/2014

Respondent: mr john bromfield

Representation Summary:

The site should not be developed because of :-
- Loss of Green belt
-will have a negative impact on the landscape and visual amenity of the area as well as the approach to Warwick
- It wil have a negative impact on the Hatton Locks/ users of the canal network.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64662

Received: 01/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Martin Harrell

Representation Summary:

Impact on settings of heritage assets.
Proximity to residential properties.
Increased traffic.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64668

Received: 01/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Phil Gardner

Representation Summary:

Proposal will significantly devalue Hatton Locks as an attraction.

Located between a busy road and canal, the site is potentially dangerous for children.

Main road is already very busy without additional traffic.

Site is in the Green Belt.

Will cause disruption to the area and is too near residential properties.

The site at Kites Nest Lane is better than this and it has already been excluded.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64670

Received: 08/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Patricia Wharton

Representation Summary:

Objects to the site on the grounds that it does not meet any of the Council's stated criteria. However, the following are specifically mentioned concerns:

1. Site is in the Green Belt.

2. Location on a major road will be dangerous, particularly for children and vehicles entering/leaving the site.

3. The landowner does not wish to sell the site.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64671

Received: 01/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Anthony Young

Representation Summary:

No exceptional circumstances for a green belt site.

Adverse impact on tourism and a main route into Warwick.

Road is already dangerous.

Too close to the Hatton Locks.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64690

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mr John Payne

Representation Summary:

Green Belt Land:

This should be sufficient objection and end at the debate full stop. It is certainly not "very exceptional circumstances"!

Impact on Landscape Character:

The site will have a negative impact both in visual and noise basis, for tourists and ecology/ wildlife

Detrimental to Ecology, Nature and Wildlife

Councils are promoting the growth of nature by having "green areas" uncut for wildlife habitat but then want to build in the Green belt, which is pure hypocrisy

Accident Black Spot:

It will purely add to further potential fatalities

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64695

Received: 09/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Thomas Murphy

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic, access to road network.
Roads not gritted in winter.
Danger to children walking roads to school.
Flooding issues - A4177 and Oaklands Farm site.
Site in greenbelt.
Rural and wildlife impacts.
Community population concerns.
Impact on infrastructure - school, GP surgery and shops.
Parking issues.
Tourism/visitor impact along Grand Canal.
Community safety concerns.
Close proximity to waterway, railway lines and various bridges that could pose a hazard to young lives.
Close proximity to Shell Garage - busy service station, traffic queues onto main road, fumes, emissions and pollutants.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64697

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Sophie Nikolaou

Representation Summary:

Concern over the look and infrastructure needed and the knock on effect on the nearby Hatton Park Estate. House prices are high on the estate and the addition of a traveller site will reduce the value of family properties hugely, which in the long term would make people move away from the area, especially commuters that use Warwick Park Way and that walk/cycle past the site daily. It will lessen the area and in the long terms reduce the investment in it.
The Stratford Road is also full during the rushour (a.m. and p.m.).
When there have been visiting travellers there has been an increase in crime in Hatton Park.
The canal and towpath at Hatton Locks are used by many people at weekends and a permanent site here would destroy the ambience.
Big concern about the value of our property going down and worried about our children's safety.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64704

Received: 10/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Ann Standbridge

Representation Summary:

GP and schools full.
Visual impact.
Noise impact.
Infrastructure unable to cope.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64705

Received: 06/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Leanne Payne

Representation Summary:

* Site is in the Green Belt
* Is in full view of approach to and from Warwick
* There have already been far too many fatalities on that stretch of road
* It's on Hatton Flights a well presented and historic tourist spot

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64706

Received: 06/05/2014

Respondent: Mr David Wyer

Representation Summary:

Site in green belt - no exceptionable circumstances
Site could impact on tourism in Warwick and further increase road accidents
Site dangerous location to live on for children

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64708

Received: 23/04/2014

Respondent: Mr Jason Slade

Representation Summary:

Site is on green belt.
Site close to canal - concerns over environment and tourism of canal and Hatton locks.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64709

Received: 23/04/2014

Respondent: Dr Miranda Mole

Representation Summary:

Site is on green belt.
Concerns over increased traffic.
Impact on local wildlife.
Site close to Grand Union canal - concerns over community and tourism impacts.
Impact on infrastructure.
Increased traffic.
Site close to proposed development.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64710

Received: 14/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Jaqueline Millar

Representation Summary:

Health and safety impact of travellers' children - site is close to canal and busy road, and opposite boggy ground and small lake.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64713

Received: 24/06/2014

Respondent: Mr Antony Roots

Representation Summary:

Site within greenbelt.
A4177 is busy road - several accidents.
Increased traffic.
Impact on tourism - Stairway to heaven locks.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64718

Received: 22/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Karalyn Wasley

Representation Summary:

The proposed site is Green Belt.
The site is in full view of the main road into Warwick where it would have a negative impact upon tourism and local housing.
It is a busy and dangerous road and a well know black-spot.
The tight-knit community of local residents would be outnumbered and overwhelmed.
Near-by deep water and a railway line would create an unsafe location for roaming children.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64721

Received: 25/04/2014

Respondent: Mr. Michael Daly

Representation Summary:

The site is Green Belt.
The site is in full view of the A4177 a main route into historic Warwick, and would result in a negative impact upon the appearance of the area and tourism.
The site is on a well known accident trouble spot and future accidents are inevitable.
The proposal would be detrimental to the highly valued local ecology, wildlife, and farm land.
There would be a danger from deep water, railway line, and very fast road.
The tight-knit communtiy would be overwhelmed by this planning application.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64722

Received: 25/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Miriam Bowen

Representation Summary:

The site is in the Green Belt and this proposal does not represent the 'very exceptional circumstances' required by government policy to justify its development.
The site is off a very busy, often congested, main road, which already suffers many accidents, and there is a dangerous juntion and petrol station.
As a resident of Hatton Park we would be overwhemled and proportionally outnumbered by this this application.
A natural tourist beauty spot would be spoilt ecologically and visually.
Deep water, a railway line, and a busy road all pose a danger to children.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64724

Received: 25/04/2014

Respondent: Mr Peter Smith

Representation Summary:

My objection is the land is in Green Belt and is in full view of the main A1477 route into Warwick.
The site is on a well noted accident blackspot and it is near the canal where there are dangers of deep water and also nearby, the railway line and a fast road

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64726

Received: 25/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Kimberley Smith

Representation Summary:

Site is in Green Belt
In full view of the main A4177 route into Warwick
Site is on a well noted accident blackspot
Near the canal where there are dangers of deep water and also bearby the railway line and a fast road.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64728

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Angela Daly

Representation Summary:

Site is on a well known accident black spot - future accidents would be inevitable.
Site is Green Belt
Detriment to the ecology, wildlife and local farm land.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64732

Received: 06/05/2014

Respondent: Mr David Brooks

Representation Summary:

The propsed sit eiwll be built on a green area. It will have abig impact on the character of the landscape.
The road is exceptionally busy, especially at peak times. Another junction used for multiple home will exacerbate the problem and increase risk of accidents.
The site will be very visable , screening would look like a prison, such high fences would be required.
The site is bordered by another small road and a canal, this sounds like accidents waiting to happen.
If a site is created somewhere i must be worth developing, this seems very small with a massive impact?

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64733

Received: 08/05/2014

Respondent: Miss Sue Johnson

Representation Summary:

Adverse effect on appearance of the area and the approach to Warwick. Traffic - increased risk of accidents - traffic on and off main road.
Negative impact on the canal / locks area.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64737

Received: 28/04/2014

Respondent: Mr Graham Bottomore

Representation Summary:

Why put travellers next to a busy main road and a canal on the other side, the dangers to children must be high in my opinion it must be crazy to place these travellers here on Green Belt Land and spoil what we have at this time.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64746

Received: 29/04/2014

Respondent: Mr Hafiz Ali

Representation Summary:

Traffic impact on A4177 which is already grid locked. Impact on local warwick economy due to unsightly views from the main road. Inappropriate use of green belt land. Detrimental impact to local residents.
Reduction in tourism to Hatton Locks. Danger to gypsy children by proximity to trains and canal.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64749

Received: 29/04/2014

Respondent: Mr Anthony Cunningham

Representation Summary:

Main objections relate to the impact on ecology and heritage assets. Site adjacent to the canal which is now considered as a natural wildlife corridor. Hatton locks have heritage and tourism significance. Also have concerns in relation to impact on the green belt, landscape character, infrastructure requirements, land contamination, noise, visual amenity, potential for the site to be adequately screened, proximity to other residential peroperties, safe access and deliverability.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64751

Received: 28/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Rashmi Vasram

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic congestion and noise pollution. Ruining greenbelt land causing negative impact on tourism. Safety concerns for children regarding fast road, deep water canals, and railways. Detrimental effect on wildlife and local farm land.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64762

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Ian Mackay

Representation Summary:

Limited bus route, which does not serve the local GP surgery.

Local School is full.

Providing utilities for the site will be expensive.

Site is prone to flooding.

Will have an adverse visual impact from both the adjacent road and canal.

Site is too small for 5 pitches.

Will add further congestion to local roads and exacerbate existing problems. Birmingham Road is already known for its poor accident record.

The proposed use could seriously compromise the existing business on the site.

Full text:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64765

Received: 24/04/2014

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Speczyk

Representation Summary:

Site will have impact on green belt.
Site will have impact on tourism.
Community safety concerns.
Site on busy road - safety issues for children on site.

Full text:

see attached
