
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64697

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Sophie Nikolaou

Representation Summary:

Concern over the look and infrastructure needed and the knock on effect on the nearby Hatton Park Estate. House prices are high on the estate and the addition of a traveller site will reduce the value of family properties hugely, which in the long term would make people move away from the area, especially commuters that use Warwick Park Way and that walk/cycle past the site daily. It will lessen the area and in the long terms reduce the investment in it.
The Stratford Road is also full during the rushour (a.m. and p.m.).
When there have been visiting travellers there has been an increase in crime in Hatton Park.
The canal and towpath at Hatton Locks are used by many people at weekends and a permanent site here would destroy the ambience.
Big concern about the value of our property going down and worried about our children's safety.

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