Issues Paper
5. Understanding the key issues
Have we identified the right issues?
The issues that we have summarised above are the main ones which we consider are those which face us now and in the period to 2026. We fully recognise, however that such a summary can never be definitive. We may well have missed issues out that you think are important and need to be addressed. Conversely, we may have identified issues that you think are unimportant. We also need to consider whether we have given the right priority to the right issues. What are the top priorities that the Core Strategy needs to identify?
We are keen to understand what you feel are the key issues affecting Warwick District that the Core Strategy needs to address. We have prepared a questionnaire alongside this issues paper and this will allow you to give us your feedback on all of these matters.
Please take some time to complete this questionnaire. You can do this on-line or using the paper version attached to this questionnaire. */ ?>Please take some time to complete this questionnaire. You can take the survey on-line or fill in a paper version of the questionnaire available to download from
Want to find out more?
We are keen for as many people as possible to complete the questionnaire about the key issues affecting Warwick District. It would be helpful to us if you could get your comments back to us by 18th January 2008 if possible. This will enable us to consider all of your comments fully before we move forward to preparing the next stage of the Core Strategy (see the section "What happens next" in section 2 above).
If you want to find out more about the Core Strategy we would encourage you to do any of the following.
Visit the Core Strategy page of the Council's website at:
You can email us any comments or questions at
Email alert
You can subscribe to our email alert service for news on a range of planning policy documents produced by the Council, including the Core Strategy
You can phone us on 01926 456505 if you have any questions about the Core Strategy.
You can put your comments or questions in writing to:-
Planning Policy Team,Planning & Engineering,
P O Box 2178,
Warwick District Council,
Riverside House,
Milverton Hill,
Leamington Spa CV32 5QH