
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61751

Received: 19/02/2014

Respondent: Mr Peter Clarke

Representation Summary:

-No agreement with the Highways department regarding access to the site. This cannot be considered the preferred site without access having been considered.
-Accessing Southam Road is already difficult, any plan to put another junction onto the road or change the Offchurch Lane junction will great total gridlock within the village.
-130 dwellings on the site would be a total eyesore on the village.

Full text:

I understand that site no 1 which is the land between the houses on Offchurch Lane and the Church is the favourable site for Warwick DC.
Having looked at the plan which I believe is to put 130 houses of different size, types and tenures I have the following concerns:

From the plans that I have seen at this point there doesn't appear to be anything agreed wth th Highways dept for an exit road from this site.
At the moment you have Church Lane and Offchurch Lane feeding onto the main road. Having lived in Chance Fields for 20 years I understand what
a nightmare it is getting on to the Southam Road. Any plan to put another junction onto that road within the village or even try and change the Offchurch Lane junction will be an absolute nightmare, basically causing total gridlock within the village.
Also to put a 130 house estate at that point in the village will be a total eyesore.
There is another proposal I understand to put 60 houses on Southam Road which surely makes more sense.
Whatever you do will introduce more traffic and potentially more problems for the village but I cannot believe this will have the disastrous effect that the site on Offchurch Lane will have
Also why do we have to put 130 houses together why can they not be split in to a number of sites ie. use both sides of the Southam Road.
I cannot see how any Council can say that this is the favoured site when access has not even been considered.
Based on the points I have made I totally object to the Offchurch scheme.