
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61721

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Val Gatfield

Representation Summary:

-Do not consider any of the sites as suitable for further development but where additional housing is compulsory, Site 1 would appear the most suitable.
-All sites will lead to traffic congestion in the village but there is already a pedestrian access across the Southam Road by controlled lights to allow school children to cross and other village amenities to be reached. There is no suitable crossing place for sites 2 or 3 and even widening the pavement would not be possible at the point between Hill Cottage and Apple Tree Cottage.
-Being a regular pedestrian on this stretch, I can vouch for the speed and volume of traffic, even within the 30mph limit.
-Site 1 is also an infill to the village without breaching current boundaries extending unnecessarily into the Green Belt. No further large development of the village is satisfactory in traffic safety terms.

Full text:

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