
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61453

Received: 23/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Wendy Ellis

Representation Summary:

-We feel that a housing estate on the proposed site will ruin the whole character of the village. The field gives a very pleasant rural feel to the whole village - especially with the church setting - and is home to a substantial amount of wildlife providing natural habitat. The church will be swamped by an over-crowded housing estate, and the congestion will be phenomenal.

-Access onto Southam Road is already extremely difficult, especially at school times, a further 100 houses will definitely make the Southam Road a very high risk accident zone.

Full text:

As residents of Offchurch Lane in Radford Semele (our garden backs onto the proposed site), we strongly disagree with the choice of site no.1. We have lived here for 8 years now and have a young family ranging from 18 - 4yrs, and have enjoyed the facilities in the village including the local school, we feel that a housing estate right here in the heart of the village will ruin the whole character of the village. The field gives a very pleasant rural feel to the whole village - especially with the church setting - and are home to a substantial amount of wildlife providing natural habitat. The church will be swamped by an over-crowded housing estate, and the congestion in the heart of this village is going to be phenominal.

However, our main concern would be for the safety of pedestrians and car travellers alike, as access onto Southam Road is already extremely difficult - especially at school times - and with a further 100 houses (which will no doubt also mean at least 100 more vehicles and a good percentage more pedestrians) the Southam Road is definitely going to be a very high risk accident zone, which is not something that young parents and infants would welcome.

We feel that sites 2 & 3 would be a lot more realistic, as this is far less intrusive to the heart of the village, and it's church and fields will continue to be a compliment to Great British Heritage. The traffic from site 2 & 3 will not be right on top of the already busy Offchurch Lane/Church Lane/School Lane traffic (not to mention the pub car-park - another tight-spot), but will be a lot more controlled and far less of a hazard to school children and other pedestrians alike.