
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61392

Received: 07/01/2014

Respondent: Jenny Wilkinson

Representation Summary:

-Vehicular access will cause serious congestion on an already very busy road. Traffic at this junction is already at pressure, which will only result in more accidents and grid-lock.
-Development on this site will increase the drainage issues faced by the village.
-The site is bordered by many listed buildings, including the Church, this historic environment is a shared resource, a development of modern houses would look totally out of place and would not relate well in scale and location to the village.

Full text:

Dear Sir

I would like to express my reasons for my objection to the proposed building of 130 houses by Gladman

1 - Vehicular access from the proposed development will cause serious congestion on an already very busy road. Traffic at this junction is already at pressure, which will only result in more accidents and grid-lock. A point proven by an accident occurring there on the evening of 6 January.

2 - Development on this site will increase the drainage issues faced by the village. This land acts as a natural drainage point for home owners of Offchurch Lane, Chance Fields, Southam Road and School Lane.

3 - The site is bordered by many listed buildings, including the Church, this historic environment is a shared resource, a development of modern houses would look totally out of place and would not relate well in scale and location to the village.