
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61285

Received: 19/01/2014

Respondent: Hannah Frost

Representation Summary:

-The site is an area of natural beauty and any development will significantly negative impact on the rural landscape.
-Adding an estate of >100 houses will totally destroy the character of the area as well as habitats for wildlife.
-The development will increase traffic passing through the village, particularly at commuting and school times
-Any access point onto Southam Road is likely to be extremely hazardous for those on the school run.
-The school itself is already over-capacity. There would most probably increase traffic on the roads as people have to drive out of the village to other primary schools.

Full text:

. I am writing to express my concerns and objection to the proposed housing development on 'Site 1' - East of Church Lane in Radford Semele.

The site is an area of natural beauty and any development will have a significantly negative impact on the rural landscape. The village is currently a beautiful jigsaw of different housing styles and ages, all of which work together to create a charming rural location for living. Adding an estate of >100 houses will totally destroy the character of the area as well as habitats for wildlife. I am currently unaware of any ecological surveys that have been carried out but there are likely to be several protected species that will have to be considered before any development could begin.

The development will increase traffic passing through the village dramatically - already a busy road, particularly at commuting and school times, any access point onto Southam Road is likely to be extremely hazardous, especially at these busy times, in particular for those on the school run. The school itself is already over-capacity and has a waiting list, there have been no plans expressed to expand the school(this itself would be nigh on impossible as the site has no room for expansion) or fund any more staff, therefore with >100 new households, many of which with children it begs the question where they are meant to go for schooling? Most probably increasing traffic on the roads as people are forced to drive out of the village to other primary schools.