
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61270

Received: 15/01/2014

Respondent: Ms Kathryn Hall

Representation Summary:

-A listed building (the church and its grounds) will not be protected.
-The proposed site retains the same characteristics already firmly rejected by the Council as part of its own detailed planning analysis.
-The type and density of housing is inappropriate for this setting.
-A new road will be required which will cut directly across the setting of the Grade II listed buildings and will permanently erode the church setting, destroying the views.
-Would worsen traffic.
-Would close the gap of separation between Leamington Spa and Radford Semele.
-Could impact on drainage.

Full text:

I object to the proposed development at Radford Semele - site 1 East of Church Lane

The reasons I object:
1. I understand it to be the council's duty to protect listed buildings and their historic setting. The church and surrounding fields and view from the church and Southam Lane will not be protected if the proposed build goes ahead.
2. The proposed site retains the same characteristics already firmly rejected by the Council as part of its own detailed planning analysis including: an insufficient village green/public space - the green space would not replace the rural setting, the site would not relate well in scale and location to the village, or be well integrated, the development would close the open outlook and so affect the impression of the separation of Leamington Spa and Radford Semele. I chose to live in a rural village setting - the development would take that away from me.
3. The type, allocation and density of housing required is inappropriate for this setting of listed building
4. Vehicle access to the proposed setting will require either a new road or the widening of Church Lane. This will cut directly across the setting of the Grade II Listed buildings and will permanently erode the setting directly in front of the church and opposite the White Lion. The views will be destroyed. This would also impact traffic flows detrimentally through Radford Semele, which are key for commuters out of Leamington to the Fosse. As a commuter along this road, it would impact me.
5. The increased traffic from the housing development would have a detrimental impact on an already busy stretch of road and would impact villagers given the close proximity of the school. School Lane is already congested and difficult to negotiate at school times - something I have to do.
6. The proposal would close the last remaining open outlook in the village - something I enjoy on a daily basis. It would detrimentally affect the impression of separation between Leamington Spa and Radford Semele
7. Church Fields are fundamental to the identity of the village. The status of the church and its setting is the single most important heritage asset in the village - and this development would not preserve that. This high density modern site is inappropriate.
8. The potential impact on the drainage issues faced in the village
9. There are other sites available that would facilitate expansion without taking the heart out of the rural and historic church setting - along the Southam Road, east of the village
In summary, I object to the development due to the visual impact it will have on the village, the loss of the historic setting of the church and Church Fields, the negative impact on the impression of separation between Leamington Spa and Radford Semele, the impact it would have on traffic flows through the village, the impact on congested areas such as School Lane with additional vehicles in that vicinity.
1. Development on this site will take a green area out of the village and impact the rural setting enjoyed by the houses in the vicinity. I chose to live in a village with open spaces, not a built up town - had I wanted that, I would have bought a house in the middle of Leamington Spa.
2. The proposed site would not be well integrated, the development would close open spaces and give the impression of being less separated from Leamington Spa. Protection from merging with Leamington Spa is vital to preserve the future separate identity of the village. I chose to live in a rural village setting with lots of open spaces - the development would take that away from me.
3. The site would impact traffic flows detrimentally through Radford Semele, which are key for commuters out of Leamington to the Fosse, which already suffers from congestion at busy times. As a commuter along this road, it would impact me.
4. Vehicle access to the proposed site will be via School Lane, which already experiences problems with congestion. More families using the school and more traffic up and down School Lane will pose an issue for existing residents. The increased traffic from the housing development would have a detrimental impact on an already busy stretch of road and would impact villagers given the close proximity of the school. School Lane is already congested and difficult to negotiate at school times - something I have to do frequently.
5. It is currently an issue emerging from School Lane onto the Southam Road due to the traffic flows between Leamington and the Fosse. It is already highly congested here at peak times. Additional vehicles using School Lane would only add to the problem. It would necessitate additional traffic controls and introducing a roundabout or traffic light controls at this key part of the route in and out of Leamington would not be desirable due to the impact on commuters.
6. Heavy construction vehicles and then a future increased volume of traffic would pose a hazard for children in School Lane.
7. There are other sites available that would facilitate expansion without taking more green land from the heart of the village - I understand there's a suitable site east of the village, along the Southam Road.

In summary, I object to the development of the site at the top of School Lane due to the visual impact it will have on the village, the negative impact on the impression of separation between Leamington Spa and Radford Semele, the impact it would have on traffic flows through the village - particularly the impact on congested areas such as School Lane with additional vehicles in that vicinity and the currently difficulty of emerging from School Lane onto Southam Road.