
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61257

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Mr J Stacey

Representation Summary:

The frequent appearance of the Police Camera-Man beside the village bus stop attests to the high volumes of speeding traffic on the Southam Road. It therefore seems strange logic to throw up a development on the one side, whose 100+ residence then need safe access to the village amenities which are virtually all on the other side of this main road. Furthermore, the development will encroach views of a millennia of history in the Church and its surroundings.

Full text:

The frequent appearance of the Police Camera-Man beside the village bus stop attests to the high volumes of speeding traffic on the Southam Road. It therefore seems strange logic to throw up a development on the one side, whose 100+ residence then need safe access to the village amenities which are virtually all on the opposite side of this main road. Furthermore, the development will encroach views of a millennia of history in the Church and its surroundings. Ignoring these issues in favour of fulfilling a quota compels us to caution 'less haste - more speed'. Surely other development opportunities on the South side of the village retain the village balance and avoid these issues.