
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61235

Received: 19/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Steven Summers

Representation Summary:

-The geographic centre of the village will be shifted northwards and the development will be clearly seen.
-The housing density proposed for the site is too high and provide homes of limited facilities incapable of meeting the needs of the initial occupiers, eventually creating a culture of neglect as occupants grow tired of the limitations.
-Access roads will become extended parking.
-Current local services (i.e. schools, doctors, drainage systems) are insufficient for the development's size.
-Traffic increase on the local Southam Road and Offchurch Lane presents further safety hazards for all road users.
-The site is important for alleviating flooding.

Full text:

I wish to register my objection to the development proposals for the above site as set out in the consultation document. Whilst I question the whole assessment process which has been used to determine the Warwick District Council's (WDC) preference in respect of the options available and whether it is correct that local recommendations as set out by the Parish Council should be ignored I raise the following objections:

1. The housing density proposed for the site is far too high. Building to such a density will only provide homes of limited facilities and be incapable of meeting the needs of initial occupiers who wish to continue residence for a growing family. Access roads will become extended parking areas and restrict access for both service and emergency vehicles. Such gross environmental abuse can only make for a poor living environment and a growing culture of neglect as such an estate ages and the occupants grow tired of the limitations it provides.

2. A development of the size suggested cannot be adsorbed by the current local services without major investment in infrastructure and environmental services. Local schooling is currently at its full capacity and a major development of its current site would have to be undertaken to improve it. The provision of health/ GP services would have to be review since nothing exists within the village and the growing impact on surrounding provision would need to be re-assessed. Drainage for the development would have to take into account the inadequate systems that would link with it from other areas of the village and provision made for that improvement. Flooding implications would need assessing in respect of run-off and the fact that a valuable area for absorbing that effect had been developed over.

3. The increase in traffic on the local Southam Road and Offchurch Lane together with their nature and topography provide an environment for all road users requiring extreme care and attention. Recent traffic accidents and fatalities only serve to reinforce concerns that anything which exacerbates the current levels of use would require that the road system be developed to adequate traffic flow and protect motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians alike. Given the change in structure of the village such development implies care needs to be taken to ensure that the road and pavement systems meet the new levels of vehicle and people movements within the system.

4. Visual and environmental impact. It will be certain that a development as proposed will have the biggest impact on Radford Semele for 400 years. The nature and geographic centre of the village will be shifted northwards and the nature of that development will be clearly seen, particularly if 3 level housing is included in the housing mix of the proposed development. The environment surrounding St. Nicholas Church would need to be protected and the green space around the church preserved for the villagers. Flood risk needs consideration as does the proposed developments proximity to the pumping station connecting to the Leamington sewerage system to ensure that a failure of that system does not give any risk to local residents directly or through the water table.

In conclusion, I feel that Site 1 as described should be reconsidered in the view of the proposals provided by the Parish Council in consultation with the village and a thorough assessments of all the options made prior to any consent for any specific application.