
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61214

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Mr Stephen Stacey

Representation Summary:

1. Proposal, tree-removal, roadways adjacent to, will damage setting of; ancient Listed Church, Old Tower, Thatched Cottages, (thatched) Lion Pub. Church central to village, villagers and village identity.
2. Area is open, 'somewhere-to-breathe' in heart-of-Radford; shouldn't cram housing here.
3. WDC report on housing imbalance - more detached housing required to address. Offchurch Lane, backing onto proposed site, contains more substantial dwellings in Radford supporting overall housing stock quality. 100 smaller units there will reduce quality of whole village.
4. Preferred option has insufficient vehicle access. Vehicles would feed Southam Road at village centre and return the same.

Full text:

I write to Object to the preferred option of land to the east of Church Lane.
It is understood that appropriate housing provision needs to be considered and that the LPA has a responsibility in this regard. However, it is somewhat surprising that this site to the east of Church Lane has been identified as WDC's preferred option - it might be suggested both when applying common-sense and also when applying WDC's own assessment criteria to it.
1. This development area and its roadways are immediately adjacent to the setting of St Nicholas Church. The church is a listed building of architectural importance and has been the heart of the village for centuries - records in the Domesday Book are testament to its age. Building on this land, constructing the access roadways and cutting down trees would irrevocably damage the setting of the church. This applies to views from Southam Road, Church Lane, the churchyard and the church itself. As in many villages, the Church and it setting is a central part of the village, the life of the villagers and the village identity.
2. Also contributing to this setting are the Old Tower, Thatched Cottages and the (thatched) Lion Pub. This setting would be destroyed by the proposed development.
3. This area is currently outside the village envelope and provides an open outlook and 'somewhere to breathe' in the heart of Radford; for this reason it should remain outside the village envelope. Whilst the need for additional housing is understood, the concept of cramming more housing in the centre is poor development planning at best.
4. Balance of housing encourages residential balance. The report on WDC website states that; In terms of housing stock, the village has above district average percentages of semi-detached and terraced housing, and consequently lower levels of detached housing (43.5% of detached compared to district average of 30.9% and 33.9% of terraced properties compared to the district average of 21.5%). It is apparent, therefore, that more detached housing is required to address this imbalance. Importantly, Offchurch Lane, which backs onto the proposed site, arguably contains the more substantial dwellings in Radford and because of this helps support the overall quality of the housing stock. To sanction construction of 100 smaller units backing on to them will reduce the quality of the village as a whole. This is considered the wrong place.
5. 100 new houses requires allowance for 200 cars. According to WDC report, the recently discounted options are: 2) Land south of Southam Road - high landscape impact and insufficient vehicle access; 3) Land north of Southam Road - high landscape impact and insufficient vehicle access; The preferred option also has insufficient vehicle access. Not only that but vehicles would have to all feed out onto Southam Road at one place and return the same way - at the centre of the village. It would be far better planning to place housing at the periphery of Radford - not clogging its centre.
6. Flooding was an issue causing WDC to reject other option(s). 14 site options have been identified for Radford Semele. Of these initial options, 10 were discounted at an early stage in the process to a wide range of issues detailed in the Council's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), but include flooding in a number of locations,... The 'preferred option' is a natural soak away for water run-off from the field on the south of Offchurch Lane which discharges down a track into the field. Should not flooding issues also cause this site to be discounted?
7. The comments that; In line with many other villages there are no easy options in Radford Semele with regard to ideal housing sites. are readily understood. However, there are options as the Parish Council proposed. The land at the east of Radford; 2) Land south of Southam Road and possibly; 3) Land north of Southam Road are better choices in planning terms and would also help to far more effectively take some of the development pressure off the main settlement with its narrow road network. Developing this area off the Southam Road will allow for, say 50% of vehicles to travel away from Radford without clogging the centre. Vehicles that do travel into and through the village will have time and distance to integrate into the flow of traffic without causing continuing disruption.