
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61186

Received: 18/01/2014

Respondent: Janet Summers

Representation Summary:

-The local infrastructure, amenities and services are not adequate to accommodate a housing development on this site.
-Housing on the site would interfere with the natural land drainage causing risk of flooding to the Church and its surroundings.
-Heavy traffic/congestion is already a major problem and the new development would exacerbate the problem.
-The proposed housing and access points would be visually detrimental to the local area, particularly the landscape around the church and Parsons Field.
-Housing density proposed is unsuitable as it is higher than any density within the village.

Full text:

I am writing to voice my objection to the proposals for 100+ dwellings to be built on the land east of Church Lane in Radford Semele, known as Church Fields.
There are many reasons why I do not support this proposal, but I would like to highlight the following in particular.

1. The local infrastructure, amenities and services are not adequate to accommodate a housing development on this site.

The drains and sewerage systems are barely able to cope at present especially during heavy rain, and in the past sewage has been seen in School Lane. So there is already an existing problem and further demands on the systems would only exacerbate the situation.

The land in question serves as a natural drainage point for the dwellings in surrounding roads, and therefore housing on this site would interfere with this natural drainage and increase the risk of flooding to the Church and it's surroundings.

I am given to understand that nowadays a Sustainable Drainage System is required with new housing development proposals. I see no evidence of such a system being possible here, especially at the density of housing proposed. It is noted that the information supplied by the Gladman Group proposes 130 dwellings on the site.

2. Traffic and Road Safety

Heavy traffic and congestion are already a major problem in Radford Semele, particularly at peak times. Placing a large housing development in this site would only add to the problem.

A traffic survey was undertaken during the summer months when traffic flow was lighter, and this must be taken into account.

Wherever the new access road would be sited it would be a major issue.

3. The Housing Density proposed is totally unacceptable.

The density proposed is unacceptably high, higher than any on adjoining land or elsewhere in the village.

There is no scope for family growth, and very little garden space or car parking. While it is well-known that households nowadays often own several vehicles, it is difficult to see how all these vehicles will be provided with adequate parking. The whole area could easily become unsightly, cluttered, and dangerous for pedestrians.

The density of dormitory-style housing can only be seen as designed to maximise profit for the development company, who have no knowledge of the local area and the life of the community, and who have given these matters scant regard.

4. High Landscape and Habitat Impact

Any housing development on this site would have a high landscape impact and thus would be highly detrimental to the whole area surrounding the Church, which is a well-regarded local landmark.

Wherever the new road system, which would be necessary to access this site, is positioned, it would impact the landscape surrounding the Church and Parson's Field. The Council is under a statutory duty to protect the historic setting of the Church as a listed building, together with the additional listed buildings adjoining the site.