
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61179

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Mr John C Matthews

Representation Summary:

-Sewage concerns as the sewage system for Greswoldes and Offchurch Lane is private and just about manages with its present input, if the new homes used this system then it would exacerbate the problems.
-Highway safety issues with access to the proposal.
-Transport congestions at access on Church Lane due to traffic entering, parking and departing School Lane during school collection times and a bus stop opposite the access point would cause further congestion and hazards.
-The access as shown is completely and utterly mad, coming out onto the A 425 opposite the White Lion would cause a significant hazard.

Full text:



Is the WDC going against the words as uttered by DAVID CAMERON when he said I care deeply about our countryside and our environment, the vision is to give communities much more say and much more control, villagers fear having large developments, plonked down on green field sites.At the heart of it is more local control, the neighbourhood plan, you decide rather the man in the planning committee.

Gladman Plan
This development has increased from the initial brief of 100 to 130 homes of various types,40% of which are to be affordable,this appears to be just a CON to obtain planning permission. What might be affordable to-day will not be affordable to-morrow with house prices increased by 8% or £25,000 according to the Media.

The access as shown on the latest proposal is completely and utterly mad, coming out onto the A 425 opposite the WHITE LION, the vision splay to the left is about 50 metres looking to-wards Southam and is obscured by the cottages and hedges on the White Lion side, a vehicle travelling to-wards Leamington Spa at a speed of 30 miles per hour will only have approx 4 seconds to react to vehicles exiting from the new development onto the A 425. A further objection to be taken into consideration there is the existing bus stop opposite this exit creating further congestion and safety hazard. Should SITE 1 be used for this development, with the access at Church Lane and a traffic control system, this in my opinion will create a bottle neck with traffic having difficulty entering and departing School Lane at peak periods ie parents collecting and dropping children off at school times ( they park all along School Lane from the junction of the A425 up to and beyond Hatherall Road ) Therefore I would prefer Sites 2&3 which you at W D C due to safety hazards have discarded

The sewage system from the Greswoldes and the Offchurch Lane is a private system that enters the treatment plant at the church end of this development,so where is the sewage from these new homes going to be treated, the present system has had to be emptied by tankers on a number of occasion, it just about manages to cope with its present imput. Will the new homes have a separate systems or are we going to have more problems with the existing one, I would be obliged if you address these points.