
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 61130

Received: 19/01/2014

Respondent: Alfred Stacey

Representation Summary:

The site would have great visual, economic and environmental impacts. Other potential sites have not been adequately considered.

Full text:

Currently the site in question is a vital soak-away for water draining off the hills to the south. Large areas of hard-standing would cause serious surface water issues and an increase in flood-risk in the surrounding area. The nearby housing in Church Lane, Offchurch Lane, The Greswoldes and Chance Fields are all detached housing. Putting in affordable housing would de-value properties in these surrounding roads. The high-ways issue is obvious to anyone observing the junction at the end of Offchurch Lane and the main road between the hours of 8-9am on a working day! The infrastructure cannot support the extra volume of traffic that would come if this development is allowed to proceed. The fact that it's also in the vicinity of the St. Nicholas' Church is also cause for concern. This is a historical listed building, dating back to the eleventh century. The fields surrounding the Church are part of it's identity. When visualising a country Church, you imagine it to be surrounded by open spaces do you not? The natural habitats of many species of wild fowl and birds of prey will be destroyed. Alternative site two on the south-east side of the village would be much more appropriate. The area is nearer the centre of the village giving greater access to the amenities that the village affords. It would also have a much lower visual impact on the surrounding housing as well. Highway access would be much simpler giving access to both the village centre and also the main road.